Thursday, 10 December 2015

Headteacher's Blog - December 2015

Dear Parents, Carers & Guardians,

It has been another exciting and spectacular half-term in respect of students excelling in the arts, science, sport, community service and charity fundraising. The news stories on the website and Twitter feeds are a testimony to our continued success.

Please encourage your child(ren) to undertake some on-line learning, revision (mock examinations for students in Year 11, start straight after Christmas on Monday 4th January 2016), together with any required catch-up work during the Christmas holidays, so that everyone can hit the ground running in January. Remember, there is no substitute for hard work!

Talking about hard work, our independent learning and effort rewards system ‘Selby Keys’ continues to go from strength to strength, thereby helping our students to rapidly develop the skills necessary to be a successful learner in today’s educational climate.

Your co-operation in helping to maintain the now established high standards of uniform, together with attendance and punctuality, from the outset of the Spring Term in January will be much appreciated. In this respect it is worth remembering that students should wear their blazers at all times, in addition to any school jumper or cardigan, unless instructed to do otherwise by a member of staff.  We will also be continuing our campaign, during 2016, to educate everyone connected with the school what bullying is and what it isn’t, together with convincing all concerned of the virtues of being a ‘telling school’.   

At the end of this term we will be saying goodbye to Miss Donna Brown (GSSM) who is taking up a similar post, nearer home, at the Snaith School; Mr Peter Griffin (English teacher) who is moving to Cheshire and has secured a new post at a school in St Helens and Mr Paul Austin-Clarke (D&T Technician) who will be retiring after seven and half years’ service at the school. Miss Amy Ridley (ASSM) and Mrs Naomi Sellars (mathematics teacher) will be starting maternity leave. Mrs Cadence Knights (mathematics HLTA) started her maternity leave at the end of November, together with Miss Cant (CAL for Music). We are pleased to have secured the services of two mathematics teachers, Mr Chris Powell and Mr Chris Johnson, to cover the required time in mathematics and Miss Anne Todd to teach music. In addition, our new School Social Worker, Miss Jane Holman took up her post on 23rd November 2015. Mr Heath Lanzillotti (CAL for music technology) will take on the additional CAL role for music as a whole.

In January, we will be welcoming Mrs Helen Metcalfe to the school as our new KS3 English Progress Co-ordinator and Miss Hannah Gibson the new combined CAL for PSHEE&C and RE.  

I should like to take this opportunity to remind you, that in the advent of adverse weather conditions, a decision as to whether or not to open the school will be made, at the latest, by 6.30am. If closure is necessary an announcement will then be made on BBC Radio York & Minster FM. The school’s website will also carry information about any school closure and we will tweet and SMS message you with information. Once the school is open it will remain open until the end of the day unless it becomes clear that students risk becoming stranded, because of any worsening conditions. If the school has to close we will make a decision, whenever possible, by the end of the day in question, about the prospects for the following day.

Finally, I appreciate that Leeds Road is extremely busy. I would however, ask you to be mindful of the fact that we are situated in a residential area, and to be considerate to our neighbours when parking, especially if you find yourself blocking their driveway.

As we say at Selby High School, and as we look forward to 2016, it is more important that we are more successful tomorrow than perhaps we have been today! So we are looking forward to an excellent and outstanding 2016.

On that note I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the staff and governors to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year! 


Paul Eckersley

P.S. I am looking forward to seeing all the parents, carers’ and guardians of students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 at the Consultation Day on Monday 14th December 2015.

Important Dates for Your Diary

Monday 4th January                        School re-opens
Monday 4th January –                     Year 11 mock examinations
Friday 15th January
Wednesday 20th January               Year 7 & 8 Theatre-in-Education (pm)
Thursday 21st January                     Year 7 Faraday Challenge day
Thursday 4th February –                Year 11 Astronomy trip to Kielder
Friday 5th February
Tuesday 9th February                      Year 11 Targeted Evening
Thursday 11th February                  Final of the Inter-House Music Competition
Thursday 11th February                  School closes for holidays
Friday 12th February                        Training Day – school closed to students